Monday, June 9, 2014

Interview with Keith about his experience with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at JJC

What drew you to InterVarsity in the first place?
" Coming to JJC, I found myself searching to get plugged in somewhere. At first, I met someone, who I became a friend with that was a part of
InterVarsity and I thought that was how I got to be a part of InterVarsity. But then after thinking about it, I really think that God was tugging at my heart to join InterVarsity. I personally think that the summer before I came to JJC, I was in a bad place spiritual and I think God wanted me to a part of InterVarsity, to get my life on fire for his son Jesus. I think what drew me to InterVarsity was the family of believers that would come together to share their faith in Jesus.

How did InterVarsity help to shape your spiritual life?
I think
InterVarsity helped open my heart to God. Before joining InterVarsity, I never thought about praying to God, but after four years of being in InterVarsity I can’t go one night or day without praying and reading my bible. I personally believe God has shown me how to put my trust in Him, though InterVarsity. I also believe that InterVarsity has help shaped my spiritual life, and last 4 years with InterVarsity have helped me to grow in my love for Christ. I honestly believe that God as used InterVarsity to saved me from a future, that I would have been without Jesus, or moving away in the opposite direction. But instead because of InterVarsity I am closer and put more faith in god in my life, then before coming to Joliet Junior college. I see my life going towards god, instead of away from him. As it says in the bible anything is possible with God, and I see my life seeking after his glory.

How will you take your experience with you as you leave?
I will take this experience with me as I go to Western Illinois University, and will always be seeking after the Lord. For me I would take this experience and would want to see what god can do in this world that needs him. I would love to see people on the western campus come to know god and his son Jesus. I see this experience not ending with me leaving and going to Western, but as a start of something new. Another thing that I will take with me is that, not to lose my faith when times get hard, but to continue to trust in god where he takes me after western, and through my life. With
InterVarsity there are memories that I will never forget. To me InterVarsity is like a family, and this family is something that I will never forget. People in intervarsity have held me countable for my decisions and have been there to pray for each other in hard times. InterVarsity is an awesome Christen Fellowship and I thank you for the awesome experience of getting to know Jesus and making him known on the JJC campus.